Sunday, September 29, 2013


    Today we began with choosing between two different labs. I chose the cladogram lab, where we had to compare Amino acid codes between different animals. The number of differences related to how different the two species are. We then used this information to create a cladogram between all the animals, which shows when different animals branched away and which animals are the most closely related.
    We also discussed different evidence for evolution including homology, embryology, and the fossil record. An example of a homologous bone structure is a bat wing and a cat arm. Both have the same exact bones, but look very different from the outside. Embryology is comparing embryos of different species to see how similar they are before they fully develop. The fossil record shows that in different layers of sedimentary rock, there are different fossils. The fossils closest to the top are more recent organisms, and the ones on the bottom are older organisms. We can see through these fossils the transitions between animals and how different organisms developed to adapt to their surroundings.

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