Sunday, September 29, 2013

Evidence for Evolution Quiz

1. These four pictures depict a species adapting to go from a land animal, to a marine animal. Its tail transitions into a fin and its front paws turn into fins as well. Its back legs shrink and become useless, but do not completely disappear. This shows that whales and land mammals have homologous bone structures. It also shows that they likely have very similar DNA, which was also seen in the Common Descent Lab. 

2. C) Australia

3. These three species show analogous structures. Each species developed wings, but they each developed separately and each have very different structures despite having the same purpose, to allow the species to fly.

4. The common descent lab showed that two animals seemingly very different, such as horses and chickens, are actually very closely related. Through the differences in DNA you can create a cladogram and see where different animals branched away from each other. The cladogram also shows that different animals all have the same ancestor. DNA evidence shows how similarly related humans are to primates. We have very similar DNA which explains the various similarities we have with primates, such as opposable thumbs, a large brain, and similar digestive systems.

5. Homology is the study of the similarities in the bone structures of two separate species, due to similar ancestry. In "Your Inner Fish" chapter 2 it discussed homologous bone structures between many different species. Most species contain a homologous bone structure in their arms, consisting of one bone, which leads into two bones, which leads into many small bones in the wrist, and then into long bones or fingers. This structure is true for animals from cats, to bats, to humans, to whales. The width and length of each differs, but the same structure is consistent in each.

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