Monday, September 9, 2013

Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Day 2

     Today to begin class we talked about three of the different shapes that cells can take, cuboidal, columnar, and epithelial. We also talked briefly about the splitting of a cell, called mitosis. After this discussion we began part two of our lab. Mr. Quick handed out pieces of "cell" which was really a type of solid jelly.We cut the substance into the three distinct shapes we learned about and measured the surface area and volume of each. After this we put each cell into a different beaker with KI in it, a dark colored starch. After 15 minutes we took the cells out and examined them to see how much the KI had diffused into them.

     After this we placed a cell that contained 15% glucose and 19% starch into a beaker containing water and a drop of Benedricts. We saw the color change within the cell as it turned blue because the glucose left but the starch stayed, and this starch reacted with the iodine to create the blue color.

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