Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Geneticist Video

Today in class we began by getting our test back and discussing the questions we missed so we can correct them on Blue Harvest. After this we discussed in groups of four what we read for homework, which was a National Geographic Article talking about evidence that all humans came from Africa and spread to different countries, and also talked about how genetics proves this as well as fossils because DNA shows that the genetic variety in Africa is about twice as high as everywhere else because they have been there the longest. After this we watched a movie about roughly the same topic. The movie starred a geneticist who wants to physically travel the route of ancient man, because despite the proof in genetics, it still seems impossible for early man to have made that trek in such a short period of time. The geneticist began in Africa with a tribe believed to be the direct descendants of the earliest humans. These tribe members have never left their area, however they have features similar to those of Asians, Europeans, and Africans. It was a really interesting movie to watch and we will be finishing it next class.

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