Sunday, February 2, 2014

Stem Cell/The Island Question

The question I answered for our in class discussion/presentation was this:
     Why do "Products" live in the non-contamination center and are imprinted with false memories? Why is it necessary for "Products" to experience human activity if their soul purpose is to supply supplementary organs for their "Sponsors"?

My partner and I decided that the clones were imprinted with memories so that they would not question who they are and how they got there. They were given memories of their past and of a "contamination" as a cautionary measure.They were also given the idea of the island so that they had a purpose to live and continue on.

We also decided that they need to experience human activity in order to keep their organs as healthy as possible, so that when the transplants are needed, they will be successful and long lasting.

We also found research online showing that individuals in a vegetative state live for a significantly shorter period of time than those who are active. For example a young adult can only live in a vegetative state for about 8-10 years.

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