Thursday, May 15, 2014

Plant Transpiration Lab

normal with fan with heater   with lamp
arrowhead 3.6 7.5 6.6 4
coleus 0.9 6 3.9 3
devil's ivy 2.9 4.6 4.1 3
dieffenbachia 4.1 7.7 6 3.9
english ivy 1.8 5.1 3.2 2.1
geranium 1.2 4.7 5.8 2.4
rubber plant 4.9 8.4 6.8 4.3
weeping fig 3.3 6.1 4.9 2.5
zebra plant 4.2 7.6 6.1 3.2

1. Describe the process of vascular transpiration in plants.

First, water is absorbed through the roots of the plant. This happens with the help of three factors, osmosis, cohesion, and adhesion. Cohesion: the water droplets stick together. Adhesion: The water droplets stick to the xylem  Both cohesion and adhesion occur due to the polarity of a water molecule. Osmosis: the water moves from an area of high concentration (ground) to low concentration (up to the plant). Excess water, i.e. water not used in photosynthesis, in the plant leaves can get evaporated through the stomata, which are used for gas exchange.

2. Describe any experimental controls used in this investigation.

One control is to test all the plants rate of transpiration without any added factor, i.e. light, heat, or fan. Another control is the room remaining a constant temperature throughout the experiments. One more is the air, they are all in the same location so the air will be the same for each experiment. Time is also a control, they each sat for the exact same amount of time.

3. What environmental factors that you tested increased the rate of transpiration? Was the rate of transpiration increased for all plants tested?

For each plant, the presence of a fan caused there to be an increase in the rate of transpiration, so in nature this would be the equivalent of wind, or a constant flow of air. A heater also caused an increase in the rate of transpiration, which is the equivalent of high temperatures in nature. In 4/9 plants there was an increase in transpiration with the presence of light, however the other 5/9 had a decrease.

4. Did any of the environmental factors (heat, light, or wind) increase the transpiration rate more than the others? Why?

In all but 1 plant, the rate of transpiration was highest with the presence of wind. I hypothesize that this is because the constant air flow keeps the water concentration in the air relatively low so osmosis causes more water to continue to be evaporated because it is moving to an area of low concentration. If there is no wind, the air will increase its water concentration, and osmosis won't occur anymore.

5. Which species of plants that you tested had the highest transpiration rate? Why do you think different species of plants transpire at different rates?

The rubber plant had the highest rate of transpiration. I think that different species of plants transpire at different rates because based on the different environments they have adapted to, they have different water needs. For example, plants in a very hot, desert-like environment will have lower rates because they need to hold onto as much water as possible. However, plants in a rain forest environment can have higher rates because there is a constant influx of new water from the roots.

6. Suppose you coated the leaves of a plant with petroleum jelly. How would the plant's rate of transpiration be affected?

The petroleum jelly would hinder the plant's ability to transpire, because oil-like products block moisture from leaving the surface. In humans, this occurs in products such as Chapstick and lotion.

7. Of what value to a plant is the ability to lose water through transpiration?

It is very valuable to a plant because having too much water can drown the plant, or flood the leaves and cause them to burst. At the same time, losing too much would cause it to dry out and not be able to perform cell functions, i.e. photosynthesis.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Plant Hormones

     Auxin is a hormone that controls plant cell growth. This allows for many things to happen, two being phototropism and root/stem growth. In the case of phototropism, there is sunlight on one side of the plant. This triggers auxin to excrete in the shaded side. Auxin causes cell walls to elongate, eventually leading to longer cells. When this happens, the plant will lean towards the sun. This is important because it will increase the amount of sunlight a plant is getting, which will lead to more photosynthesis, which will create glucose and oxygen. This glucose can then be broken down in cell respiration to provide the plant with ATP. This glucose will also go down the tissue called phloem to the roots of the cell to provide nutrition in the form of glucose and fructose, which can combine to create sucrose. This sucrose is the sap you see on most plants.
Auxin has created elongated cells on the shaded side causing the plant to lean towards the sun
A plant in which this phototropism has occurred

The other example was root and stem growth in plants. As we have observed thus far in our lab that Siri and I did, no matter which way the seed is originally facing, the roots will grow down and the stem will grow up. The force of gravity tells the plant which way the ground is, and this causes auxin to be released into the roots and stem. In the roots, it will inhibit elongation on one side to cause a downward bend. In the stem, it will cause growth on one side to cause an upward bend. This entire process is called gravitropism.
Seeds undergoing gravitropism after sprouting

Plant undergoing gravitropism

     Abscisic Acid is a plant hormone that slows germination. This is very important to plants, especially those that live in conditions that are very harsh, for example the desert. An excess of abscisic acid would require a lot of water to be washed away, therefore many larger desert plants, such as cacti, have a lot of abscisic acid on the seed. This means that in order for it to begin germination, there must be a sufficient amount of water, therefore the plant's growth can be sustained. This usually will occur after the rainy season. A low amount would be present in smaller plants, like desert grasses. They don't live very long and require less water, so therefore a small amount of water would be enough to wash the acid away and begin germination.

A cacti, which is an example of a plant that requires a lot of water to germinate.
     Ethylene is a gas that is naturally produced by fruits that cause them to ripen. This means that if one fruit ripens, the others will ripen quickly. This was an evolutionary benefit, as it makes the plant get eaten more quickly by an animal which means its seeds can be spread more quickly.
A plant that has ripened due to Ethylene gas

Friday, May 2, 2014

Botany of Desire

Co-evolution: Bee pollinates the flower, flower provides the bee with food 

Apple's sweet flavor causes humans to plant apple trees

Tulip's beauty causes humans to want to plant them
The potatoes' flavor makes humans want to plant them
Marijuana's intoxicating effects makes humans plant them